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Fairey Battle


In 1940, Canada entered into a plan with the British to provide aircrews for the war effort.  Because of the vast open spaces, Canada was ideally suited to take on the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan and a great many bases were built for this purpose.

Among the aircraft supplied to train pilots, gunners, bomb aimers, navigators and ground crew was the now obsolete Fairey Battle.

The kit used to produce this model was the Classic Airframes 1:48 scale Battle in the markings of an aircraft seen at Vancouver, Sea Island in 1942.  This was my first experience with this company's kit and although there were some issues with shapes as well as other minor problems, the Battle turned out reasonably well.
The kit featured a vacu-formed canopy and some very nicely cast resin components with which to detail the cockpits.  The finish is Polly Scale acrylics with PS Clear Gloss. 

The decals are a combination of kit decals and serials made on a Laserjet printer.

And there is no weathering...training aircraft were kept very clear thanks to a large contingent of non-volunteers.

Hopefully we'll see a great many more unusual kits from Classic Airframes, kits that the mainstream companies will not touch.


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